Here's a little information about sending me mail. First, the address to send things to for the next few weeks:
PCT Jessica Striley
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 299
Thies, Senegal
West Africa
The only other thing to mention is that it costs like, 98 cents to mail, and you have to write PAR AVION and/or AIRMAIL on the envelope.
I do now know where I will be living and working for the next two years. Its a really small village about 30 km south of Saint Louis. I don't know a lot about it, but hopefully will know soon. Will write more when I do. I've heard its beautiful, and hopefully won't be Insanaly hot because of the ocean.
Because, yeah, the hot season is approaching. The last two days in the four or five mid-day hours it has been Crazy hot. And this is me trying not to get worked up about it since it will probably get hotter still, and .... wow. Thats hard to imagine. I guess the idea here is you get used to it, and even then everyone spends the mid-day doing nothing. Like, nothing nothing.
Tuesday I leave to go spend four days in ville with the volunteer working there currently. I'm replacing her, and it's a chance to get a taste of the place before being thrown in.
I also still want to say something about the work I now know I'll be doing, because a lot of it sounds pretty cool. Like the introductory surveying methods involve some ethnographic-style tools. Also, theres a country-wide organization within Peace Corps called SeneGAD. The work with young men and women to address gender development issues. Its a lot of grass-roots support, education, and group discussion activities to create organic change. I know thats pretty vague, but its all I got right now. Sounds like a thing I really want to get involved with though.
Gotta go. I'm sweating on my laptop....
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